Chiropractic Care for Sciatica

chiropractic care for sciatica

By Dr. Nate Lorenc, Chiropractor, Natural Health Center

Sciatic symptoms can affect as many as 40 percent of people in the course of their lifetime. The good news is that chiropractic care can be an effective treatment for sciatica. 

What is sciatica?

The sciatic nerves, the largest nerves in the human body, originate from each side of the low back and travel through the buttock, into the hip, and down the leg. The term “sciatica” describes the host of symptoms that can arise from irritation of the nerve, ranging from pain, tingling, burning, and numbness anywhere along the course of the nerve. 

Typically, the symptoms of sciatica occur on only one side of the body. The most common place sciatica originates from is the low back, specifically around the lumbar discs. Damage to the disc - or even threat to the disc - can create compression and/or inflammation of the nerve.  

Sciatica can be scary! It can involve symptoms that a patient may have never experienced before: tingling that can feel unbearable at times, or numbness that will always raise alarms within the nervous system. While some injuries improve with time alone, sciatica can leave patients feeling dejected and hopeless when the natural course of healing does not occur. 

Chiropractic: Conservative, non-invasive care for sciatica

It is our belief that in most cases, more conservative, non-invasive care should be explored first before surgery is considered. There is also a growing concern in the United States that unmanaged pain can result in addiction to painkillers with devastating consequences. 

Here at the Natural Health Center, our chiropractors are trained to not only improve the symptoms of sciatica, but also get to the root cause of why the issue arose in the first place. With a thorough examination of the injury, we can identify triggers and lifestyle habits that may be contributing to the pain. There are often factors patients may not even consider that turn out to be crucial pieces that determine their recovery. Our chiropractors are trained to not only treat the pain, but educate patients so they have a good understanding of what is occurring and why. 

Benefits of chiropractic for sciatica

Among the benefits of seeking chiropractic care for sciatica are:

  • Decreased pain and inflammation

  • Improved movement and strength

  • Return to previously painful activities

  • Better understanding of how sciatica occurs

A chiropractic approach to treating sciatica

After a thorough examination, a patient should expect their treatment to be individually tailored to their specific symptoms. A combination of manipulation, soft tissue massage, exercise/stretching, and education will be utilized, always keeping the patient’s comfort in mind. 

Goals of care will be to reduce the symptoms present in the leg and low back, restore more pain-free movement, and establish a good home care routine to keep the issue from recurring. A patient should also expect to gain a proper understanding of how the injury occurred in the first place. When pain relief and understanding co-exist, a patient can have more confidence that they are able to return to previously enjoyable activities.

Chiropractic care and sciatica: A summary

  • Almost half the population experiences sciatica at least once in their life.

  • Sciatica most often emanates from the low back.

  • Symptoms can range from pain, burning, tingling, or numbness.

  • Sciatica can significantly impact quality of life and lead to anxiety, depression, and financial hardship.

  • Conservative, non-invasive care should be explored before considering surgery in most cases.

  • Not only should all effort be made to reduce symptoms, but getting to the root cause of the issue should be a primary goal.

You deserve to be pain free and living your best life, and we have dedicated our lives to helping you do so. If you have any questions regarding the benefits of chiropractic care for sciatica, please contact our team at the Natural Health Center in Anchorage today to schedule a visit.

About Dr. Nate Lorenc, Chiropractor

Dr. Lorenc received his B.S. in Kinesiology from San Jose State University and his Doctorate in Chiropractic from Palmer West College of Chiropractic. He is continually expanding his knowledge and has received certifications in Active Release Technique, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, and Graston Technique. Dr. Lorenc is particularly interested in the complexity of pain and attends continuing medical education seminars on a regular basis. He, along with his wife and three children, recently relocated to Alaska from California.’

Learn more about Dr. Lorenc or contact us to schedule an appointment.