Chiropractic Care for Headaches

woman suffering from headache

By Dr. Nate Lorenc, Chiropractor, Natural Health Center

As chiropractors, one of the conditions we hear about the most is headaches. Headaches can come in all shapes and sizes - they can range from mild and infrequent to excruciating and persistent. Some are felt in a broader area while others are very specifically located or one-sided. Symptoms can range from a faint, dull achiness to debilitating pain and nausea.

One thing all headaches share, however, is that they are common. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that 50 percent of the global adult population have experienced a headache at least once in the last year, and it is recognized as one of the most common disorders of the nervous system.

The problem with headaches

Headaches can create stress, depression, and even financial hardship if they continue without intervention. The anxiety of worrying about when your next headache is coming and how bad it will be can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.

According to WHO, anxiety and depression are significantly more common in people with migraines than in individuals who are headache free. A headache can leave you unable to work, and is categorized high on the list of causes of disability in the workplace.

Headaches and chiropractic care

Research has shown chiropractic care to be an effective treatment option for a variety of headaches. Chiropractic care has demonstrated good results for the two most common kinds of headache: migraine and tension-type. Cervicogenic headaches (headaches that originate from the neck) fall under the umbrella of tension-type, and are often misdiagnosed. Chiropractic manipulation, particularly when coupled with soft tissue treatment and exercise, is now considered a primary option for people seeking relief from headaches.

Headache treatment by our chiropractors

Here at the Natural Health Center, our chiropractors have extensive experience in providing patients with relief from headaches. We first aim to identify triggers and properly diagnose the type of headache an individual is experiencing. Following a thorough examination, care will often consist of chiropractic manipulation, soft tissue treatment, exercise/stretching prescription, as well as recommendations for lifestyle and ergonomic changes that may be contributing to a patient’s symptoms.

A team approach to headache treatment

Our chiropractors also work within a team of other experts in the treatment of headaches. This team, including registered dieticians, naturopathic physicians, occupational therapists, acupuncturists and massage therapists, collaborate to provide the best outcomes for our patients.

For example, dietary recommendations to reduce inflammation and identify foods that may be triggering headaches are carefully assessed. We continue to stay up to date with current research and best practices.

Chiropractor recommendations for headache sufferers

Some general recommendations for people suffering from headaches are:

●      Try not to stay in one fixed position without moving for more than a half hour. Instead, take a break and do some gentle stretching.

●      Get a bit more exercise if you are not already. The intensity of the exercise should be determined by the type and intensity of the headache, so consult with your chiropractor about what is appropriate.

●      Stay hydrated. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to help avoid dehydration, which can lead to headaches.

●      Keep a close eye (maybe even a journal) on what dietary or environmental triggers are contributing to your headaches. It can help you find patterns that you may be able to prevent.

Headaches and chiropractic care: A summary

●      Headaches occur in half the global population and are recognized as one of the most common disorders of the nervous system.

●      Chiropractic care has been demonstrated in research to be an effective approach for the most common types of headaches.

●      Chiropractors are well trained in properly diagnosing the type of headache an individual is experiencing and possible triggers that cause them.

●      In addition to chiropractic manipulation and soft tissue therapy, exercise and lifestyle/ergonomic modifications are valuable parts of a patient’s treatment plan.

●      At the Natural Health Center, chiropractors work alongside other experts in headache treatment to provide patients with a comprehensive approach for optimal outcomes.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please give the Natural Health Center a call. You should have better things on your mind than a headache!

About Dr. Nate Lorenc, Chiropractor

Dr. Lorenc received his B.S. in Kinesiology from San Jose State University and his Doctorate in Chiropractic from Palmer West College of Chiropractic. He is continually expanding his knowledge and has received certifications in Active Release Technique, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, and Graston Technique. Dr. Lorenc is particularly interested in the complexity of pain and attends continuing medical education seminars on a regular basis. He, along with his wife and three children, recently relocated to Alaska from California.

Learn more about Dr. Lorenc or contact us to schedule an appointment.