Healing Heel Pain: Chiropractic for Plantar Fasciitis

By Dr. Weston Hopkins, Chiropractor, Natural Health Center

Plantar fasciitis is a common problem that accounts for 11 to 15 percent of all foot complaints in adults. Fortunately, it is a condition that can often be effectively treated with chiropractic care!

What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis (pronounced “plan-tar fash-ee-eye-tis”) is pain located in the heel of your foot due to inflammation and irritation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes.

Causes of plantar fasciitis

This condition can occur spontaneously and among anyone from sedentary individuals to professional athletes. The exact cause of plantar fasciitis can’t always be pinpointed, but common causes include:

·       Overuse or repetitive strain (think running or standing for long periods)

·       Foot mechanics (how your foot is built)

·       Obesity

·       Poor footwear

·       Age (plantar fasciitis is most common in people aged 40 – 60)

·       Occupations or hobbies (teachers, construction workers, athletes, etc.)

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is usually most painful taking that first step out of bed in the morning and can severely limit your daily activities, such as walking. The symptoms and severity of plantar fasciitis vary from person to person, but can include:

·       Sharp or stabbing pain (usually in the heel or arch of the foot, and often felt after long periods of inactivity)

·       Pain with weight-bearing activities

·       Stiffness or tightness

·       Tenderness

It’s also important to note that plantar fasciitis often develops gradually, over a period of weeks or months. It often starts off mild, then worsens, making it important to listen to your body and proactively seek care.

Diagnosing plantar fasciitis

Before a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis is given, it is imperative to have a thorough examination to rule out other conditions, such as pain referral from the low back. In my clinical practice over the years, I have seen numerous patients present with a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis that had their pain abolished by only treating the low back!

Diagnosing plantar fasciitis often includes:

·       Review of medical history and symptoms

·       Physical examination

·       Palpation of the foot

·       In rare cases, imaging tests may be needed to confirm a diagnosis.

Chiropractic treatment of plantar fasciitis

Once the examination has ruled out all other sources of pain and a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis is made, a conservative treatment plan can begin. The vast majority of plantar fasciitis can be treated with great success at our chiropractic office using a combination of:

·       Soft tissue manual therapy to relax tissue

·       Joint mobilizations to improve range of motion

·       Targeted exercise prescription to remodel the injured tissue

·       Shoe recommendations

·       At-home icing regimen

With this simple yet highly effective treatment plan, we can heal that heel pain! Contact our office to schedule an appointment.

At-home treatment for heel pain

If you start having plantar fasciitis symptoms and are unable to get in for an evaluation right away, here are a couple of home care strategies that can help in the interim:

·       Give your feet a break! Rest and reduce activities, especially high-impact or repetitive activities.

·       Try ice therapy. Rolling an iced water bottle under your foot can feel very good.

·       Stretching exercises, especially for your calves and the plantar fascia.

·       Roll a golf ball under your foot.

·       Wear supportive shoes. Leave the high heels, old shoes and flip flops in the closet!


About Dr. Weston Hopkins, Chiropractor, Natural Health Center

Dr. Hopkins is a licensed chiropractor at Natural Health Center in Anchorage, Alaska. He is certified in Active Release Technique (ART) and Functional Range Release (FR), and is also a Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) Mobility Specialist. Dr. Hopkins’ goal is to get you out of pain as quickly as possible so you can return to your activity of choice.

Learn more about Dr. Hopkins or contact us to schedule your appointment.